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Robotic Process Automation

2022: Reduce your workload with Robotic Process Automation

In the nineties, through Business Process Management (BPM), Companies could cater to end-to-end business processes based on stipulated methods. With the need to automate these business processes, tech giants like Oracle and IBM started to provide automation technologies and coined the concept of Business Process Automation (BPA), following which emerged the revolutionary trend of Robotic Process Automation, or today, commonly
known as “RPA”.

Rightly once quoted by the tech behemoth, Mr Elon Musk, “Science is discovering the essential truths about what exists in the universe engineering is about creating things that never existed.” Interestingly, RPA is one fantastic computer engineering creation capable of interacting, just like humans, to facilitate repetitive tasks in volumes.

RPA Services

RPA or software bots (autonomous programs) can easily coordinate tasks like entering, calculating, and copying available data. When amalgamated with Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Machine Learning (ML), RPA can be used to build intelligent automation.

Wherein the inputs selected by humans can be used for better decision-making, for instance, in use cases such as cyber security, customer service, fraud detection, process analysis, invoice processing, customer/employee onboarding, etc., thereby saving a lot of time of the businesses and ensuring faster Return on Investment (ROI).

Companies can also consider RPA because it strives to deliver better performance in terms of efficiency, savings, customer service, time consumption, and compliance with the standards/rules set by the organizations. Banking and financial services, healthcare, insurance, and retail industries have now seen humungous acceptance of RPA due to its dynamic workability RPA will be seen more in other management functions. Such as in Human Resources to facilitate information management, in Finance and Accounting to ensure high accuracy in billing, foreign exchange payments, and order management, etc., or to enhance the procurement process RPA can simplify tracking of shipments, inventory management, issuing of invoices and other supply chain management activities.

Further, RPA has also been categorically divided into three types. They are Attended, Unattended, and Hybrid. The RPA bot that pops up to help you like an assistant is attended automation. In contrast, if you do not wish to indulge in any in-person experience, you can choose an unattended automation type where only pre-defined emails or schedules complete your tasks.

The software industry has many RPA vendors currently. Still, the RPA platform that can be easily scaled has effective speed, can be easily used, confirms security, and has an intelligence quotient to it can be the one that can make your business soar.

Hezemon, with more than ten years of industry experience in rendering RPA services in Hyderabad, India, is continually working to benefit more customers with its expertise. It envisions regulating most of this automation industry.

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