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Engagement Strategies

Engagement Strategies: Make your Customer feel pampered

Today every marketer is indulging in intense research and popping up with ideas and Engagement Strategies which are never-seen-before or never-done-before. Such is the market differentiation concept which demands that your product or service should be unique and tempting like no other.

To be precise, your product must be entrenched so gracefully in the consumer’s mind that ‘looking for an option’ should not be ‘an option for them’.

One must understand, acquiring a customer is only one side of the story, the other is to retain that customer by giving him enough reasons to feel motivated and loyal to your product or service. One may be able to kick-start the journey by earning a customer’s subscription request but making them stay back and averting them from moving on to an existing competitor is the real challenge.


They must come back to you ‘again and again’ and pick you up over your competitors. This can be a sigh of relief for you as the fact states that you have positioned your product accurately and appropriately.

Customer Engagement strategies once implemented enthusiastically can help an organization/enterprise to create a superior mutual value with the customers and can witness a happy flock of customers for the long term indeed.

  1. Personalized outreach: Make them feel special!

You have to be particular about customers’ preferences.

  • Offer them beyond what they expect.
  • Have an insight into their choices, send them content alerts, and reminders, of their favourite shows. The customer’s inclination is noteworthy and should be used while initiating appropriate offers and personalized conversations for registering feedback. The one-to-one approach undoubtedly helps in building a stronger bond with the customer.
  1. Active availability and Prompt Setup: Say you are at their fingertips!

You have to adopt the principle of understanding the customer, ‘What they are?’ more than just having a superficial relationship. It’s more about customer Identification than customer engagement. Adopt ways that exude positivity for your product or service.

Use an Omnichannel approach to reach your clients/customers. Have a mechanism that enables you to be able to assist as many numbers of customers via different channels such as:

  • Customer care/Helplines
  • On-screen pop-ups
  • Video tutorials
  1. Social media safeguard: If you want to reach out to the users what can be a better option than an online platform?
  • Involve in real-time conversation.
  • Identify the problem areas or loopholes, if any, in the functioning or performance of the conversation.
  • Offer suggestions, pieces of advice, or remedies instantly.
  • Use it as a tool to analyze customer feedback.
  • Plan your interactive content priorly and use it for propagation online as it multiplies the chances of being seen or heard.Web Designing and Development
  1. Free trials or services always work: Make customers invest their time in you!

Any trial, free packages with subscription amounts, or membership-related privileges always act as a prerogative. The customer must feel like experiencing a win-win situation.

  1. Use of Mobile Application: It is a well-realized fact that the average of mobile application users constantly proliferates from every quadrant. So it is an intelligent step to develop an application-based interactive system. It helps you to study the behavioral psychology of a customer closely and can give a new dimension to the customer database and determine the future course of action.
  2. Using either or all of the alternatives aim to foster a bounded long-term relationship with the customers.

Give such a distinguished flavor to your offerings that it carves an everlasting impression!

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