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TIBCO EMS Multiple Instances & Global Queue with Routed/Proxy Queue

The below setup demonstrates the process of setting multiple Tibco instances in one server/machine. Creating a global queue in one occurrence and routed queues in second occurrences.

Benefits of Global & and routed/proxy queues:

  • High availability of consumer applications.
  • Never lose the EMS message.
  • Avoid duplicates.

We will be doing the following things to instantiate routed/proxy queues.

Changing server names, enabling route, creating a Route, setting up multiple ports, creating users on all Servers for Routing, Create Proxy Receiver/Routing Queue and global Queue.

EMS server Setup

Server A (default – 7222)

Step 1 – Edit port

Open C:\tibco\ems\8.1\data\tibemsd.conf file

Change server name from EMS-SERVER to EMS-SERVERA

Change routing = enabled

Server B – 7223

Step 1 – EMS Copy

Make a copy for the C:\tibco\ems\8.1 folder as 8.1.1

Step 2 – Configuration files

Copy folder C:\ProgramData\TIBCO_HOME\tibco\cfgmgmt\ems\data into C:\tibco\ems\8.1.1

Step 3 – Edit tibemsd.conf

Open tibemsd.conf file under C:\tibco\ems\8.1.1\data

Replace following things

Change server name from EMS-SERVER to EMS-SERVERB

Change routing = enabled

tcp://7222 –> tcp://7223

C:/ProgramData/TIBCO_HOME/tibco/cfgmgmt/ems –> C:/tibco/ems/8.1.1

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Step 4 – Edit factories. conf

Open factories. conf file under C:\tibco\ems\8.1.2\data

Change the port to 7223 instead of 7222

server C – 7224

Step 1 – EMS Copy

Make a copy for the C:\tibco\ems\8.1 folder as 8.1.2

Step 2 – Configuration files

Copy folder C:\ProgramData\TIBCO_HOME\tibco\cfgmgmt\ems\data into C:\tibco\ems\8.1.2

Step 3 – Edit tibemsd.conf

Open tibemsd.conf file under C:\tibco\ems\8.1.2\data

Replace following things

Change server name from EMS-SERVER to EMS-SERVERC

Change routing = enabled

tcp://7222 –> tcp://7223

C:/ProgramData/TIBCO_HOME/tibco/cfgmgmt/ems –> C:/tibco/ems/8.1.2

Step 4 – Edit factories.conf

Open factories.conf file under C:\tibco\ems\8.1.2\data

Change the port to 7224 instead of 7222

EMS Servers start


Open the command prompt and run the following commands

>cd C:\tibco\ems\8.1.1\bin

>tibemsd.exe -config ../data/tibemsd.conf


Open the command prompt and run the following commands

>cd C:\tibco\ems\8.1.2\bin

tibemsd.exe -config ../data/tibemsd.conf

Connect to EMS servers & Create routes


Open the command prompt and run the following commands



tcp://localhost:7222> create route EMS-SERVERB url=tcp://localhost:7223

tcp://localhost:7222> create route EMS-SERVERC url=tcp://localhost:7224

tcp://localhost:7222> Create queue RouteQueue global


Open a command prompt and run the following commands


>c tcp://localhost:7223

tcp://localhost:7223> create route EMS-SERVERA url=tcp://localhost:7222

tcp://localhost:7223> create queue RouteQueue@EMS-SERVERA global


Open the command prompt and run the following commands


>c tcp://localhost:7224

tcp://localhost:7224> create route EMS-SERVERA url=tcp://localhost:7222

tcp://localhost:7224> create queue RouteQueue@EMS-SERVERA global

Java services start

java -jar -Dserver.port=9083 -Dtibco.ems.url=tcp://localhost:7223 target/sample-consumer.jar

java -jar -Dserver.port=9084 -Dtibco.ems.url=tcp://localhost:7224 target/sample-consumer.jar


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