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Content in the cradle to the talk of the Castle

Digital marketers cannot deny the fact that an original and innovatively written piece of content might lose its sheen if not showcased efficiently to the targeted sphere. At present, the long-drawn-out response from the audience would be the last thing a marketer would envisage. Here comes the inevitable role of the digital domain called ‘content promotion’.

The marketers were aware of the fact that if they want to stay a notch above the competitors, the promotion strategy has to be brilliant. Statistics reveal that around 61% of customers decide to purchase based on influential content.

If the highly sorted-after content is guided through the well-organized channel of promoting the novice piece in the right way, you can be assured, the ball is in your court!

We are sharing with you some interesting techniques with which your new piece of content can attain the spotlight with our content marketing services.

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Expert Advice:

Proven by market researchers, adding an expert’s opinion brings sure shot results, as the handpicked experts are renowned and carry strong followership in the market. This kind of influencer marketing adds profundity to the content and propels customers because of the faith factor.

  • Online platforms such as Buzzstream and Followermonk can get you tons of people, and specialists in the area you are looking for. You can contact them via emails and social media and get attractive quotes in the specific niche.
  • IO is an amazing tool that helps you to find the email addresses of influencers.
  • You need to mention the influencer’s name along with an exclusive quote to make your content more believable and reliable.

Sharing and how:

The central idea of the promotions is to outreach the maximum audience possible. Sharing the content multiple times on social media can make a lot of difference.

  • Create a series of snippets (samples of your content) to get the social media sites flooded.
  • Samples can be exhibited in the form of images related to the content, quotes, statistical data or anything that can gather attention.
  • A buffer is a useful tool for sharing old and new posts on social media. You can queue an unlimited number of posts and then custom schedule whenever you want to share them.

SEO ServicesTagging multiplies sharing:

Don’t forget to tag the sources/experts from whom you have extracted the information or opinion for your content.

  • You can applaud the connoisseurs for their commendable contribution which in turn will be re-shared by them.

Extend your email list:

People already on your list can choose to hear from you, unfailingly. Thus, the chances that your content is seen and heard, grow.

  • Also, inform your sources/influencers through email along with a subtle request to read, share and then add the link to your content.
  • This can also help build your references, exposing your content to multiple communities from one.

Make it more professional:

LinkedIn can be one way to connect to influencers and tycoons of high repute.

  • Build connections by sorting out the specific group of your choice which can help you send connection invites to the influencers.
  • Direct message them to read and share your content on LinkedIn.
  • Add the link to your content.

Create a virtual Syndicate:

To optimize the visibility of your content, you can look for people creating/sharing items similar to that of your content.

  • Buzzsumo is a great tool that helps you find people sharing similar content on Twitter.
  • Searching for the URLs on Twitter can help you find and contact them easily.
  • The chances are quite high that they would like to read and promote your content on their website too, just in case they happen to have one.
  • Ahrefs and Open Site Explorer are tools that can help you find the links to a website or URL. This can give a list of links that have content similar to that yours. You can segregate your targets for further sharing and contact generation.

Digital Marketing

Use the visual appeal:

Turn your content into a fascinating video and distribute your video to various video sites.

  • OneLoad is a service that makes distribution easier and can help your video gain maximum exposure.

Paid Ad-Promotion:

Outbrain is a unique content promotion service that promotes your piece of content using other pieces of content in the form of ad tiles.

  • The tile will be displayed at the bottom of the other content as a suggestion.
  • You can avail of the ads at a lower cost per click than other online options available.


Enlisted in the top 150 websites and hoarded with a million visitors, this place can help you expand your limits to the maximum.

  • With a considerably high ranking in the search results, your content scores more chances of being easily found.
  • You need to modify your content layout into a deck of slides for promotion on this platform. Changing the layout also helps to target a completely different set of audiences which might have skipped the unmodified piece of content.

Create pdf:

You can modify your format to .pdf and share it with various pdf sites and communities as well.

  • Optimize the descriptions on the particular sites to get links back to your site and original content.
  • You may also hire a freelance designer to create a pdf template that represents your brand.

Create an attractive magazine:

The creative and highly popular, web-based platform called ‘Flipboard’, with a responsive app, facilitates you to create a magazine out of your content. It gives a wonderful and user-friendly experience that allures the readers.

‘StumbleUpon’ paid discovery service:

This service is exclusively meant for promoting a new piece of content. It is highly recommended as it comes with a promise of great exposure. You will have to pay for each visitor. Don’t forget to add an interesting title to the content to get the readers inquisitive.

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Target Global Communities:

Such communities are population hubs looking for information on a particular topic. One can share the content and be a part of such communities to advertise the content on an enormous scale.

  • Original and quality content does get noticed in such communities without making the content redundant.
  • You can share the content with elite communities like Inbound, Blog Engage, Do Splash, and Bizsugar.

Tumblr is the new cool:

The use of this microblogging technique gives an incredibly new definition of your content promotion strategy. It allows you to share content in textual as well as in graphics in short-form blogs.

Old pulls the NEW IN: Also understood as backlinking, this effective technique helps you drive more traffic to your website too. You can add the link of your new content to your old popular posts. You can take the help of an analytics tool to find out the most popular post on your website and can further embed it with the link of the new piece of content to get maximum clicks.

The above techniques, in a nutshell, can help you hit a bull’s eye and helps you make sure that the content promotion strikes the right chord with the audience.

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